About Us


Who We Are?

Sakura Entertainment is a division of Sakura Global Inc (SG), an international entertainment corporation with offices in Las Vegas, Manila, Singapore, & Tokyo. Our main focus is the development and production of entertainment content (movies, television series, music, etc.) from Asian and distributing it to the world. As Asia is not internationally known as an entertainment originator, SG will bring forth a revolution in Asian entertainment that transcends the world’s borders.

Creating new and desired movie/television/music entertainment, that rivals the U.S., will be the key ingredient to our success and what separates us from our competition in Asia. We will create and distribute productions that are in-line with the wants of the consumer and possess the same quality as those from Hollywood, the world leader in film and television entertainment. SG will assist those smaller companies with advisory, production, and distribution assistance to aid in this entertainment revolution.

Our Mission

The mission of SG is to enhance customer value by elevating the entertainment quality, frequency and enjoyment in Asia, while supporting shareholder value through the increased profitability of SG.


Our main objectives include the following:

A word from our founder


A word from our founder

A land of peace; a culture of honor; a people of great pride; the third largest economy in the world; a giver of technology to the world…these are just some of the reasons why many foreigners call Asia home.

Over 20 years ago, when I came here to Asia to play basketball; I too, fell in love with Japan. I took a strong interest in the entertainment industry here and began to research and study the market. Of course the US is the leader/innovator of the entertainment industry, but I wanted to focus on Asia. From the music to movies, I absorbed all that was available here in the land of the rising sun.

I found that the entertainment content produced in Asia doesn’t do well overseas…because the production companies seem to only focus on their own particular markets. Also, what I began to notice was that Asia imports a lot of entertainment from the US (of course)…that was something I wanted to change.

So for about 3 years, I took my research to the people and asked what they thought of entertainment in Asia. I discovered a large number of Asian people felt that their entertainment was lacking compared to the US…and most of them related more to the entertainment from the US. So I released my purpose to bring the level of Asian entertainment to that of the US.

With Sakura Global (SG), our goal is to raise the level of Asian entertainment and present it to the world. By taking our connections from the US, the ideas and themes of US entertainment content and creating a new style; we can then produce great entertainment from Asia and begin exporting to the rest of the world…starting with the US.

At the same time, we will introduce fresh, new, and young Asian actors, producers, directors, and writers to the world. Promoting the younger generation of Asian artists and giving them a chance to utilize their creativity while it is fresh (something the traditional companies here in Asia don’t do), will in turn generate an entertainment revolution that will make the world recognize Asia as a key entertainment powerhouse.

Asia culture has a lot of entertainment to show the world…and SG is proud to be the leader to deliver it.


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