

Our Specialization

Yes, we specialize in the production and distribution of entertainment content. However, SG also provides other entertainment services for large corporations; small companies; and the individuals wishing to take on the world on their own. With a vast amount of areas in the entertainment industry; SG can help you with all your entertainment & business needs. Some of the services we are provide are…


production assistance

Got an entertainment project and need help? SG can assist with your movie, TV show, commercial, music and most any other entertainment project to help make it truly successful. We can step in and give you the aid needed to deliver a high quality production.

commercial production

Need help with creating a fresh and impactful commercial for your product/service; SG is your key. From development of the idea to the actual production making the idea a reality, we can deliver an appealing and better quality production for a lower cost. SG is your best choice to gain global awareness for your product/service.

Product Placement

If you have a product/service that you wish to present to the world via movies, videos, television shows, or music; SG can give your product/service the exposure it needs to gain the attention of millions of potential customers around the world.

marketing promotional planning

SG is a leader in the marketing and promotion of entertainment events, corporate product launches, and more. If you need help putting together an event and want the best results; SG is your team.

business consulting

Aside from our core focus, SG provides consulting services which includes assisting with corporate registration; advice on strategic planning; corporate business plan preparation; personal & corporate credit establishment/repair; assistance with procuring corporate financing; and means of helping you start and grow your business.


SG takes pride in delivering the BEST entertainment content…and if that means we need to help others better their existing project, then that’s what we will do. Just tell us how we can help you.

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